Feb 8Liked by Dani Faith Leonard

Men are troglodytes (think Fred Flinstone) and women, dingdongs (his wife). Neither had any sex appeal or desire. Children just "came along."

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Feb 8Liked by Dani Faith Leonard

My mom told me that Masturbating is a sin that needs to be confessed to the priest so that I can go to heaven.

I thought I was going to hell when I was around ten!

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Feb 10Liked by Dani Faith Leonard

My mother was very prim and proper. She had a book, and when she thought it was the appropriate time to teach each one of her four daughters about sex, she sat them down in the laundry room away from everyone else, and read them the book I think I spend an hour and a half there with her and you know what I learned nothing I got married when I was 18 I had never seen a penis. It scared the hell out of me when I first saw it. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with it and it kept on pointing at me and then when he said it goes in me, I thought I was gonna die .

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Feb 8Liked by Dani Faith Leonard

What little sex ed I had was done in church. My parents only told me what not to do, and never how to actually have sex safely. There was no safe sex, only sex to get pregnant or no sex. It was a really depressing time. It took me decades to overcome my upbringing and learn to enjoy sex for what it is; a very pleasurable way to connect with a partner and way to pleasure one's self..

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Sex Ed is so focused on the preventative (don't get pregnant! Don't get an STI!) that it forgets about pleasure entirely.

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I was taught that masturbating was sin and would send me straight to hell. I was also told that any sex outside of marriage, including gay sex, was outside the will of god, and would also result in going straight to hell.

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Sex Ed is so focused on the preventative (don't get pregnant! Don't get an STI!) that it forgets about pleasure entirely.

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